• Licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya
Currency Exchange

Currency Exchange

We convert currencies from one to another at the best rates. You will save a lot of time and money. Also, you can order online and come to collect it in your nearest branch

Currency exchange service at competitive rates. Save money when you buy or sell your foreign currency with us. We can provide you with the information you need about how much your currency is worth against other currencies and how to get the best deal for you.

Our currency exchange service offers convenient and cost-effective conversion of foreign currency. You can easily keep track and manage your currency exchange online.

Today's Exchange Rates (Online Exclusive)

We Buy We Sell
United States Dollars (USD) 120.00 124..00
United Kingdom Pound (GBP) 146.50 153.00
Euro (EUR) 127 132
Switzerland Francs (CHF) 119 125
Australia Dollars (AUD) 81.50 86.00

Last Updated on: June 29, 2022 2:35 pm